
Old Cinema turned into cultural center in KL, Malaysia!

Popcorn with Esko podcast discovering new fun movie things in KL Malaysia. This time my little tour focused on Chinatown, and then the famous BookXcess at RexKL – one of the newest Instagram-worthy spaces in Downtown KL. RexKL is a historic movie theatre that has since been revived as a creative and cultural space for locals and tourists alike.

Rex Theatre, or Rex Cinema, was founded in 1947 and later functioned as a single-screen theater after its first fire in the 1970s before closing down when another fire occurred in 2002.

Almost two decades later, 2021, the historic building was restored and now serves as a community hub for several creative events like art exhibitions, workshops, and theater performances.

BookXcess at RexKL is one of the many book stores, but this one’s special: more than 80,000 books on its towering shelves, the rugged maze has an industrial layout and several vertical spaces, keeping true to its origins as a theater. Had to deriously mind my steps when ascending or descending the stairs. Following the original layout of the old theater, the stairs, left in their org state, tiered to make room for the original seating of the theater. Amazing space!

Popcorn with Esko

Popcorn with Esko on leffoihin ja ainoa Suomessa elokuva-alaan keskittyvä podcast. Suosituinta sisältöä on ollut Finnkinon kanssa yhteistyössä teetetty Leffakulissien takana - podisarja, jossa haastateltavina elokuva-alan asiantuntijoita, elokuvantekijöitä ja ammattilaisia. Podcast on leffafaneille ja normaalien leffa-arvosteluiden lisäksi keskustellaan leffa-alan uutisista ja kehittymisestä. Haastateltavina olleet Filmikamari Oy:n toimitusjohtaja Tero Koistinen, elokuvateatteriliiton pj Aku Jaakkola, ohjaajat Dome Karukoski, Tuukka Temonen, näyttelijä/juontaja Roope Salminen, Apfi ry:n kv asioiden päällikkö Anni Wessman sekä näyttelijä Martti Suosaloa ja ohjaaja Virpi Suutari.

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